Friday, February 17, 2012

What to do when I grow up

This morning I attended an event with one of the guys on my team.  The topic was all about getting your brands internet presence to grow, specifically through leveraging social mentions.  It was an event associated with the local YPO chapter, and we got connected through my boss.  It was good to go to the event, as it gave me a look into the content that is being shared with the organization.  To be honest...I didn't have high expectations, but it was even worth than I expected.  It really amazes me the creditability that a speaker can gain by simply being confident, purposeful and a good speaker....even if the content is horrible.  This guy had a good objective outline, and appeared to have some decent tools that he had built for social monitoring....but when it came to conclusions and his true expertise of the "how" for the process of helping build an on-line brand presence it was disturbing that he has a career doing this. 
So what to make of this...I think I have a lot to sell, and if I was willing to build a business around selling my ideas, it could really work.  I am not trying to toot my own horn, but the content I could bring is real and credible, and if this guy can get paid for what he is selling, worth something.  Honestly that was where I was headed two years ago, when I thought being in Utah meant working for myself.  Luckily the opportunity at CHG came along at the right time, and I love what I do, the company and my team.  But, what lies ahead?  I can see a great career at CHG, 10-15 years ahead.  After that, what else could I do?  Something more flexible, less work, but fun.  Maybe teaching, speaking, writing, consulting.  I don't know....The flip side of this is a question.  Do I want to be associated with people like this guy who spoke today?  Do I want to be a "speaker" that someone like me criticizes in a blog.  Who knows...for now, I am loving what I am doing today and that is what is important. But, a "spark" for the future.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend Mornings

All week long, I get up and get moving in the morning rushing through the things that must happen.  Me getting ready for work, little Katharine up and about, catching up with my nanny, looking at my calendar wondering how I will make it through a schedule that looks unmanageable, and out the door.  It feels like a race to a race. 

The weekends are another matter.  I love the hour or so I have been getting before anyone is up.  A factor of being 8 months pregnant.  I am up by 6 am these days regardless of the need.  Sitting on the coach, laying in bed, reading and just having a minute to celebrate quiet.  Until I hear the pitter patter of little feet coming up the stairs.  Enough to make anyone smile.  As I sit here and type this, I realize that in eight weeks this moment of silence will likely go away with baby boy Snavely's arrival.  Ah well, celebrate what you have when you have it. 

A hard realization during moments like these are that I have very few of them.  I remember before kids I would read books about becoming a mom, and a working mom, and recognize the change that was coming in my life.  Now change is the reality.   Taking time for myself now in my life is a luxury versus the norm.  And, truthfully I struggle with prioritizing that time ahead of time with my family or my job.  But life is about tradeoffs...I have the most adorable little girl (in my humble opinion), a great husband and a great job.  For that, am I willing to make the tradeoff of a "scheduled" personal break.  For certain!  My only guidance, to anyone who cares, is to think about the choices you make and don't let them feel happenstance.  You are more than capable of doing anything, but being conscious of your choices helps you not to regret or to dwell in the negative side of them. 

I love my choices...however hard giving up my weekend mornings will be eight weeks from now!  Wouldn't change them for the world.